Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The reason behind this blog

Here I am at 2am writting my first blog.  Finally! I've been dreaming about this for a LONG time!  I could find many excuses except the time and determination to start blogging.  So here I am.  Why did I decide to write? If you're a mother, and like me, also have a 2nd job, then you'll understand the reason behind this madness.
I am a mother of 3 children and a dog, I've been married for over 2 decades, and I have a second job as an elementary school teacher.  If that wasn't enough to paint a clear picture of what my life is like, then let me add a few details to let you in on a regular day in my life..  Picture a Wednesday night around 6pm, dinner is still in the making, homework is never ending, dog is pacing for food, love and attention, I just realized I haven't even been upstairs to change, one of the kids announces that we have to go to Walmart to buy something that they HAVE to take to school tomorrow, oh, great! I just realized I don't have enough milk for breakfast tomorrow, and yes, we have baseball practice at 7pm! Exhausted yet? If you can relate, this is the blog for you.  There have been countless times when all I wanted to do is give up! Run upstairs, lock my bedroom door, and let Calgon take me away!!! But the truth is, no matter what, no matter how tired, I knew I had to keep going, and somehow got the strenght, and made it through.  It wasn't until recently though, that I started vocalizing and sharing my "day" with other mothers and came to realize that I'm not the only one! and guess what, the more I shared, the better I coped.  So this is why I'm here, to create a community of mothers, to share ideas, to vent, to learn and to gather strenght to keep going.  Looking forward to an interesting journey!😎

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